PIARC Congresses
Since the first World Road Congress held in Paris in 1908, PIARC has organized the World Road Congress every four years in one of member countries, with the aim to share techniques and experiences worldwide in the field of road infrastructures and road transport.
PIARC has also organized the International Winter Road Congress every four years since 1969.
The 13th World Road Congress was held in Tokyo in 1967, and the 11th International Winter Road Congress was held in Sapporo in 2002.
17th World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congresses(Chambéry Winter Congress)
- Dates :
- March 10-13, 2026
- Venue :
- Chambéry(France)
- website:
- https://www.piarc-chambery2026.com/

28th World Road Congress (Vancouver Congress)
- Dates :
- Oct 4-8, 2027
- Venue :
- Vancouver(Canada)
- website:
- https://www.piarc.org/en/activities/World-Road-Congresses-World-Road-Association/XXVIII-World-Road-Congress-Vancouver-2027

Past World Road Congresses
Dates | Venue | Theme | Proceedings | Japan Pavilion | |
27th | October 2-6, 2023 | Prague, Czech Republic | Together on the road again | CLICK | CLICK |
26th | October 6-10, 2019 | Abu Dhabi, UAE | Connecting Cultures, Enabling Economies |
25th | November 2-6, 2015 | Seoul, Republic of Korea | Roads and Mobility -Creating New Value from Transport | CLICK | CLICK |
Past winter road congresses
Dates | Venue | Theme | Proceedings | Japan Pavilion | |
16th | February 7-11, 2022 | Calgary, Canada (Online) |
Adapting to a Changing World | CLICK | |
25th | February 20-23, 2018 | Gdańsk, Poland | Providing a Safe and Sustainable Winter Road Service | CLICK | CLICK |

PIARC Prizes
PIARC awarded prizes for the most outstanding papers in different categories.
The PIARC Prizes are intended to encourage innovation, recognize professional competence, highlight topics of particular interest, promote the interests of developing countries and stimulate long-term reflection on the future of transport systems.
Winners at the 27th World Road Congress (2023, Prague)
Prize Category |
Prize Sponsor |
Author | Paper Title |
Young professionals |
Canada-Québec | Tetsuri KAJI, Tamotsu YOSHINAKA (Japan) | Development of Solar Pavement in Japan and its Contribution to Carbon Neutrality |
LMICs | Japan Road Association | Fernanda OLIVEIRA DE SOUSA (Brazil) | Hazroad - Monitoring System for Hazard Prevention in Highways - A Case Study in Brazilian Federal Highways |
Road safety | USA | Laura Rey Ramos, Ana I. Blanco Bergareche, Ramiro Martínez Rodríguez, Gabriela Ruggiero Pelay and Gema Leiro García (Spain) | Road Management System in Adverse Weather Conditions: Fog and Wind |
Best innovation |
Belgium | Mitsuru YAMAZAKI, Takashi KITAMURA, Hideki SAITO, Takamasa NIIBE, Naoto OGAWA and Atsushi YASHIMA (Japan) | Efficient Safety Assessment of Expressway Slope Reinforced by Ground Anchors Based on Residual Tensile Load Evaluated by Vibration Method |
Climate change and resilience |
Austroads | Fernando JIMÉNEZ, Laura CRESPO, Alberto GIL, Laura PARRA, Felipe COLLAZOS and Mónica ALONSO (Spain) | Risk Thresholds Related to Climate Change in Road Infrastructures in Spain |
Sustainable mobility |
Spain | Shoichi SUZUKI, Keisuke SHIMONO, Manabu UMEDA, Katsuyasu IWASAKI, Kimihiko NAKANO and Yoshihiro SUDA (Japan) | Lessons Learned through Automated Driving Bus Operation and Efforts Using C-ITS Solutions |
Road design, construction, maintenance and operation |
Germany | Rob HEYWOOD, Torill PAPE, Duncan WARD, Peter SHAW, Alan VOLL and Mandy HALDANE (Australia) | Bridge Monitoring and Data-driven Structural Asset Management |
Organisation and administration |
South Korea | José-Alfonso BALBUENA-CRUZ and Carlos-Daniel MARTNER-PEYRELONGUE (Mexico) | Identify and Solve the Problems of Access to Basic Services in Rural Communities through the Integrated Rural Access Planning System |
Winners at the 26th World Road Congress (2019, Abu Dhabi)
Prize Category |
Prize Sponsor |
Author | Paper Title |
Young professionals |
Switzerland | Anne de Bortoli(France) | What road resurfacing strategies for sustainable development? Case study on a French motorway section |
Developing countries |
Malaysia | Robert Geddes, Presley Chilonda, Emmerentian Mbabaz and Tamba Amara (Zimbabwe, Zambia, Sierra Leone) | Economic growth through effective rural road asset management |
Safety of road users and staff |
Australia | Alberto Mendoza Diaz, Maria Cadengo and Carlota Andrade (Mexico) | Efforts in Mexico to implement a road safety audit system |
Best innovation |
Belgium | Adriana Martínez, Hani Baloochi, Diego Aponte, Marilda Barra, Rodrigo Miró, Juan José Cepriá, Roberto Orejana and Asier Oleaga (Spain) | Alternative secondary raw material for road construction based on pulp and paper industry reject. Paperchain project |
Sustainable development |
Germany | Martin Lafrance and Jérôme Guay (Canada-Québec) | Creating biodiversity and improving the landscape by building a freeway interchange at the heart of the city (City of Quebec, Canada) |
Sustainable development |
Czech Republic |
Marie Colin and Fabien Palhol (France) | Adaptation of road standards, guidelines and regulations to climate change |
Road design and construction |
USA | Iswandaru Widyatmoko, Giacomo D'Angelo, Yi Xu, Robin Hudson-Griffiths, Arash Khojinian, Malcolm Simms and David Giles (United Kingdom) | Opportunities and challenges with automation in road construction and condition monitoring in England |
Road maintenance and operation |
United Kingdom |
Eloy Parra Melgar, Teresa López Lara and Juan Bosco Hernández (Mexico) | Substitution of asphalt with waste expanded polystyrene |
Honorable mentions
In some categories, there were many quality papers and the jury decided to award prizes to honor the authors' contributions.
- Young professionals
Jens Dierkeand Rainer Lehmann, Germany
Intelligent controlled compact parking -Pilot implementation of a new parking management system for trucks - Best innovation
Chris Waite and Hugh Gillies, United Kingdom
Emergency communications at the Forth Bridges - Best innovation
Anne Kjerkreit and James Odeck, Norway
Wider economic benefits of transport systems - How Norway is working with it - Road maintenance and operation
Keigo Hatakeyama, Kentaro Koshi and Tomoki Okamura, Japan
Development of an environment friendly cold mix asphalt
Winners at the 25th World Road Congress (2015, Seoul)
Prize Category |
Prize Sponsor |
Author | Paper Title |
Young professionals |
Mexico | Catherine Roh(New Zealand) | Proactive management of slope hazards -Waioeka Gorge pilot study |
Developing countries |
Japan | Carlos Andrade Neto, Jorge Rufino and Iván Machado (Angola,Cuba) | Taking decisions in the rehabilitation of flexible pavements based on non-destructive measurements |
Safety of road users and staff |
Australia- NewZealand |
Paul de Leurand David Hill (Canada) | Justifying road safety investments for locations without collisions by quantifying road safety risk |
Sustainable development |
Andorra | Toni-Petteri Paju, Finland and Kenneth Yamu (Papua New Guinea) | Pilot project to quantifying social benefits of road rehabilitation for project prioritization |
Road design and road construction |
Belgium | Anne Kjerkreit and James Odeck (Norway) | The accuracy of ex-ante cost benefit analysis –evidence from the Norwegian road sector |
Road maintenance and operation |
Saudi Arabia |
David Hinds (Australia) | Risk management in action on Queensland’s reconstruction program |
Roads and Intermodality | Canada- Quebec |
Sonja Heikkilä (Finland) | Revolutionizing personal mobility by offering mobility as one full service |
Maurice Milne prize for innovation |
United Kingdom |
Not aplicable |
Honorable mentions
In some categories, there were many quality papers and the jury decided to award prizes to honor the authors' contributions.
- Developing countries
Anadelys Alonso Aenlle, Eduardo Tejeda Piusseaut and Reynier Moll Martínez, Cuba
The use of natural additives for the development of warm asphalt mixtures in Cuba - Safety of road users and road workers
Rob McInerney, Hafez Alavi, Bill Bui and Dean Hislop, Australia
Road Safety Impact Bonds -The financial business case - Sustainable development
Anna Arvidsson, Sweden
The Winter Model –Socio-economic cost calculations for the future - Road design and construction
Sabine Werkmeister, Frohmut Wellner, Gustavo Canon Falla and Markus Oeser, Germany
New analytical design approach for thin surfaced asphalt pavements - Road maintenance and operation
Seungkirl Baek, DongHeeHan and MinSooKim, Korea
A Study on lane change impacts of van on expressway bus lane in Korea
Kazunori Yamaguchi and Akira Moriyama, Japan
Asset Management of Honshu-Shikoku Bridges
Johan Maeck, Belgium
A comparative study of sustainability tools to assess an asphalt road pavement’s life cycle
Winners at the 16th World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress (2022, Calgary)
Prize Category |
Prize Sponsor |
Author | Paper Title |
Adapting to a Changing World |
United States |
Akihiko Masuo and Tomiyama Hidenori(Japan) | Risk Management for a disaster with “Road-On Map” |
Winter Road Service |
Italy | Roberto Tokunaga, Tomonori Oohiro, Akira Saida, Takeshi Murakami and Masaya Sato (Japan) | Development of Anti-Icer Spreading Support Technology Based on Operator’s Mental Workload Evaluation |
Resilience | Italy | Felipe Collazos-Arias, Laura Parra-Ruiz and Mónica Alonso (Spain) | Increased Resilience of Earthworks on State Roads in Northern Spain –Lessons Learned between 2011 and 2018 |
Young Professionals |
Hungary | Rémi Reiff, Arnaud Escal, Stephanie Gaudé, Didier Giloppe, Ludovic Burghgraeve and Damien Vaillant (France) | Development of a Doctrine on the Use of Abrasives in France |
LMICS | Japan | Iracema Mascarenhas and Manuel Tangune (Mozambique) | Climate Resilience in the Road Sector in Mozambique |
Honorable mentions
In some categories, there were many quality papers and the jury decided to award prizes to honor the authors' contributions.
- Adapting to a Changing World
Mónica Laura Alonso, Laura Parra Fernando Jiménez and Laura Crespo, Spain
Towards a More Resilient Spanish Road Network - Winter Road Service
Atsushi Ichikawa, Katsuyoshi Abe, Kazue Usui, Toshiaki Itou and Keigo Kurihara, Japan
Development of Autonomous Snow Blowers Using the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System on Expressways in Japan
Carol Valentine and Martha Topp, United Kingdom
Artificial intelligence Surface Temperature Prediction Model - Resilience
Denis Davi, France
The SISMET Method: a Preliminary Assessment Tool to Determine Seismic Risk on Urban and Peri-Urban Road
Infrastructures in a Crisis Management Context - Young Professionals
Kazuhito Ohashi, Yasuhiro Nagata, Yasuhiro Kaneda, Toru Hagiwara, Sho Takahashi and Yuki Nakamura, Japan
Development of Road Visibility Inspection System Using Driving Video Images Recorded by On-board Video Camera
Winners at the 15th Winter Congress (2018, Gdańsk)
Author | Paper Title |
Andres Olloqui | Avalanche risk management on the road |
Kazuhide Kiyasu | Effect of Countermeasures against Heavy Snowfall Disaster on Road Traffic |
Ivana Durickovic | Defrouphrou: Investigation of the Road Salt Phytoremediation Possibilities |
Amanda Siems-Anderson | Use of the Pikalert® System in the Wyoming Department of Transportation Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment |
Jaakko Klang | Safety Effects of Lower Speed Limits During Winter Months |
Juha Äijö | Winter Maintenance Manual for the Finnish Transportation Agency |
Henri Giudici | A Technical Description of LARS and Lumi: Two Apparatus for Studying Tire-pavement Interactions (Young professionals category) |
Anna Niska | Sweep–Salting -A Method for Winter Maintenance of Bicycle Paths |