REAAA Conferences

The REAAA Conferences are organized approximately every four years as a forum for the promotion of expertise in road engineering and the exchange of information among professionals in road engineering in the Asia and Australasia region, and attended by a large number of professional participants of road related fields.


  Dates Venue Theme
17th October 26-31, 2025 Goyang, South Korea Future Roads; Hyper-connection
AARC August 24-27, 2023 Labuan Bajo, Indonesia ASIA AUSTRALASIA ROAD CONFERENCE 2023
Advance Technology Implementation Towards Sustainable Road Development
16th September 13-15, 2021 Online (Philippines) Shaping the future of road engineering with advanced technologies
15th March 22-24, 2017 Bali, Indonesia Roads for Better Living (held with IRF Global Summit)
14th March 26-28, 2013 KL, Malaysia The Road Factor in Economic Transformation

Katahira Awards

The Katahira Award was established in 1991 in memory of the late Dr. Nobutaka Katahira who served as the Association’s President for the 5th Council term (1983 to 1986) from Japan.
The Katahira Awards have been regularly made available to eligible authors who submit papers for presentation at REAAA Conferences.

Winners at the 16th Conference(2021)

  Author Paper Title
Hiroki Takebayashi, Shigeki Takahashi, Koki Bamba,
Toshiyuki Chikamatsu
Experimental Development of New Test Method for Evaluating Interlayer Bonding Properties of Asphalt Pavement Considering Pore Water Pressure
Akihito Hirota, Hiromi Murai, Tsutomu Gento Development of All-Weather, Highly Durable Cold Asphalt Mixture for Pavement Repair
Hirotaka Sekiya, Ryo Nakata, Toshimasa Nakagawa,
Shinji Itsubo, Yasuyuki Iwasato
Development of Merging Support System for Automated Vehicles
Yuki Ota, Keizo Kamiya Preventative Maintenance Strategy for Pavement Utilizing NEXCO-PMS

Winners at the 15th Conference(2017)

  Author Paper Title
Kazuya Tamada, Hiroshi Makino, Shinji Itsubo &
Hitoshi Yoshimura
Evaluation of long-term effects for driving safety support service using vehicle-infrastructure cooperative ITS
Shota Sone, Shin Sasaki, Yoshitaka Motoda, Yasushi Takeyama,
Hidekatsu Hamaoka, Kazuya Tokuta & Isao Kanazawa
The effects of the installation of guide lights on driving operations
Keiji Sakuradani, Keigo Koizumi, Toyokazu Murakami &
Satoshi Tayama
An expressway slope monitoring system utilizing WSN and data fusion technology,
Dr.Auckpath Sawangsuriya Highway rehabilitation project for sustainable environment development: a case study of National Highway Route No.1, Tak-Kampangphet, Thailand
Siti Zaharah, P Alvin Wai Hoong & MK Norfaizah An evaluation on the effectiveness of motorcycle lanes in Malaysia
Hirotaka Sekiya, Achmad Sidhi Purnawa, Handiyana Ariephin, Disi Mochamad Hanafiah & Naoyuki Kawamoto Application of image processing technology to traffic counting

Winners at the 14th Conference(2013)

  Author Paper Title
Kazufumi Suzuki, Fumihiko Kanazawa, Soichi Suzuki, Daisuke Watanabe & Satoru Nakamura Advanced Road Management with "ITS Spot Servises"
Hirotaka Sekiya, Handiyana Ariephin, Katsumi Uesaka, Pantja Dharma Oetojo, Hiroyashi Hashimoto Joint Research Project Between Indonesia and Japan for Traffic Voulume Survey Using Image Processing Technology(IPT)in Indonesia
Michiya Kitayama, Yoji Kawai, Tadashi Maruyama, Hitoshi Iguchi, Makiko Utsuki Unique Traffic Survey Approach for Development of Transportation Planning(Number Plate Survey Methodology in foreign country)
Bongju Kwon, Bumwoo Lee, Sunglin Yang, Sukkeun Rhee Application of Microsufacing Method in the Seoul Metropolitan Area
Nurulhuda, Ho.J.S , Jamilah Marjan A Survey of Risk of Accident in Malaysia
Daijiro Mizutani, Satoshi Hirakawa, Kiyoyuki Kaito A Mixed Markov Hazard Model for Clarifying the Deterioration Process of Tunnel Luminaire

Mino Best Project Awards

The Mino Best Project Award was established in 2016 to recognize outstanding road and/or bridge projects which have recently been constructed in the Asia and Australasia region.
The Mino fund was donated by the late Mr. Sadamu Mino, who served as the Association’s 10th President (1998 to 2000) from Japan.

Winners at the 16th Conference(2021)

Category I :
High Volume Road
Provincial Highway No.9 Improvement Project - Anshuo to Caopu Section, Taiwan
A.P. Pettarani Elevated Toll Road Project Makassar, Indonesia
Category II :
Community Road
Construction of Submersible Bridges in Rural Areas in Myanmar, Japan / Myanmar
A National Highway No.2275: Huay Rai-Ban Klang Rehabilitation Project for Green and Sustainable Development of Thailand Rural Highway Network, Thailand

Winners at the 15th Conference(2017)

Category I :
High Volume Road
Nhat Tan Bridge Construction, Vietnam
Central Spine Road Package 3, Myanmar
Category II :
Community Road
Multi-Purpose Community Road in Mongolia - Technology Transfer & Job Creation, Mongolia / IDI Japan
Remote Area Mining & Community Road, Glencore Xstrata / Polyroad Stabilising / SMEC / Lucas Total Contract Solutions